Isochain Review – Results & What You Can Expect!

Isochain Review

Now that the Isochain has been around for a number of years, I thought it would be useful to review where we’re at with this piece of equipment now that we have enough data to see how effective it is.

If you thought the Isochain was just going to be some short-lived gimmick, you were horribly wrong…


The Isochain users' Facebook group is super active with daily discussion from a large number of Isochain users.

We've also witnessed some pretty epic transformations over the years and the results speak for themselves.

In this article I'm going to discuss the product itself, its limitations, and we'll also take a look at the results people have achieved over the years.

Our Rating:

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my full article discussing in depth the benefits and features of the Isochain.

Exclusive 10% Isochain Discount

Isochains are not cheap…

But I’ve managed to negotiate with Dragon Door a 10% discount exclusively for Jump Stronger readers.

As far as I’m aware, this is the only 10% discount code on the internet right now, so if you’ve not yet got yourself an Isochain and, after reading this article like what you see, remember to use code A1ATHLETE at checkout!

Get Discount At Dragon Door Website

Isochain Build Quality

The physical quality of the Isochain is absolutely incredible.

Dragon Door didn’t cut any corners when it came to the design of this thing.

Sure, the first edition had some creases that needed to be ironed out, but the current Isochain 2.0 is absolutely rock solid.

It gives the impression of a super sleek, heavy duty piece of highly professional equipment, not just some toy.

Virtually everyone who orders one of these says the exact same thing.

In the first edition, the metal foot plate would warp/bend slightly under heavier deadlift loads, but it’s since been reinforced.

Isochain Build Quality

While it may still bend a tiny amount under heavy use, it goes right back to normal after you stop pulling.

Olympic grade barbells bend under heavy weight, so this is to be expected, and this bend actually contributes to favorable physiological adaptations.

The heavy duty spring is rated for up to 1,000lbs of force which is going to be plenty strong.

The powder coating on the chain may oxidize a little over time depending on where you store it, but this is a fairly minor issue that doesn’t affect the chain’s integrity.

Overall this is a rock solid piece of kit, which is what you’d expect for the price tag!

Isochain Limitations & Improvements

Although I’ve been super impressed overall by the Isochain, there are a few (honestly pretty minor) limitations people have brought up with regard to the device.

Central Chain Handle Attachment

Since the chain attaches at the center of the handle, this rules out single arm exercises like single arm bent over rows and bicep curls.

Not that big of a deal if you ask me.

I also wouldn’t at all be surprised if someone figured out a work around to this either.

No Sumo Deadlift

Since the foot platform is quite small, this rules out sumo deadlifts.

Again it seems like we’re really clutching at straws if this is one of the biggest disadvantages of this thing!

No Easy Way To Bench Press

It’s pretty much impossible to do bench press with the Isochain as it is out of the box.

There is a standing chest press exercise you can do as well as an incline bench press movement (shown below).

Isochain Incline Bench Press

Neither of these movements are a perfect bench press solution but at least it is possible to train your chest with the Isochain.

If you’re happy to spend $40 at a hardware store, you can create the below attachment which will allow you to perform a more standard bench press with the Isochain.

It would definitely be nice if Dragon Door created a proper attachment you could get for the bench press exercise.

The Chain Is Very Loud…

Every Isochain owner knows this all too well… the chain is loud.

By that I mean the metal chain clanging on the metal foot plate causes quite a bit of noise.

Definitely something to be aware of if you’re living with other people and don’t want to make too much noise when working out!

The Carabiner Could Be Improved

From another review I read…

The bottom carabiner likes to flip so the narrow side is up, around the chain. This can be a tight enough fit that it takes some effort to get it repositioned so the chain length can be adjusted.

Dan Skully, Dragon Door Website

This is also a pretty minor thing with a fairly simple fix.

Chain Links Could Be Color Coded

This is actually a pretty major limitation, but also has a fairly simple solution…

When using the Isochain, you will typically default to different chain link lengths depending on which exercise you’re performing and which joint angle you want to train.

If every 5 or so chain links were a different color, it would be much quicker/easier to count to and select the exact chain link you need for the exercise you’re about to perform.

This would make it much smoother moving from exercise to exercise and would be ideal for trainers working with multiple clients each using different chain link lengths.

Many Isochain users have wrapped either masking or electrical tape around every 5 chain links as a DIY solution to this problem.

Cable ties work fine also.

Isochain App

One of the things people like most about the Isochain is having tons of data to track.

You can see your max and average force generated during each exercise which allows us to closely track our progress.

While you can just write down your numbers, there is an app you can get which will track your progress.

Isochain App

Unfortunately it’s a 3rd party workout tracker in which you need to pay $25 to get the Isochain in-app workouts on.

The tracking functionality itself isn’t bad and it’s easier than writing things down.

But it would be really nice if Isochain had their own progress tracking app which was free with the purchase of the device, as it should be.

It wouldn’t be difficult to make and it would be nice for users to be able to share screenshots of their analytics and progress.

Isochain Results: What Can You Expect?

So what sort of results can you expect to get out of regular use of an Isochain?

Firstly, you need to decide whether you’re shooting for strength or size gains, as each training method is quite different.

People have also made pretty epic fat loss progress using the Isochain alone!

30% Size Gains In A Year

Chris of NoLimitSquad was able to increase the size of his legs by 4 inches (13″ -> 17″) in about a year primarily using the Isochain.

Isochain Results

This is particularly impressive because at the same time he went from 16% to 10.8% bodyfat, so he was able to lose bodyfat while building muscle primarily with isometrics!

65% Strength Increase In 30 Days!

Chris also did a challenge where he only used Isochain exercises for 30 days.

The idea was to test his maximum force output on a wide variety of lifts at the start and at the end of the 30 days.

The total amount of force he was able to generate across each of the lifts to begin with was 3,110lbs and he ended the challenge at 5,158lbs!

He was able to increase his maximum force output across a large number of lifts by an average of 65% in just 1 month!

176% Strength Gains In 4 Months!?

Ted is another Isochain success story who managed some really incredible results.

Isochain Success Story

In just 4 months, Ted was able to reduce his bodyfat from 28 to 22% while increasing his shoulder press, bicep curl, and deadlift an average of 176%, using the Isochain only!

Ted is literally more than twice as strong in these key lifts as he was when he started.

Check out this video interview with Ted for the full details.

200% Strength Gains!?

Here’s part of a review from the Dragon Door website…

I got the Dragon Door Isochain doing just Belt squat and deadlift with it twice a week over 3 months.
My bodyweight is 80kg. I gained an inch to my thigh in 3 months and I am very pleased with the results I have got using the DD isochain.
Initial Deadlift 70kg to 254kg in 3 months.
Initial Belt Squat 160kg to 450kg in 3 months.
Seriously I can send the display of these reading if there was an option in this review.

Duke Dam, London UK

Other Reviews

Here’s a couple other testimonials from Isochain users…

I’m a fat, busted up 54-year-old dude who works in a shipyard.
Until recently, I’ve gotten away with not taking very good care of my body, thanks to a strong constitution and a naturally dense musculature.
My 50s have been a nasty wake-up call, though, and I needed to do something, so I got an Isochain.
I’ve been using it for 2 months now, and I have to say that I think it’s the best damn thing ever.
I’m functionally stronger, it’s helped with some of my joint pain, and I even look better.
My workouts are simple, short, and effective.
Plus, I enjoy using the thing!
I couldn’t be happier and I’m going to buy another one for a backup.

Steve, USA

Am I happy with the price of the ISOCHAIN. No, but it is the best investment in exercise equipment I’ve ever spent. I’ve spent thousands on exercise equipment over the years. I have found the feedback provided by the ISOCHAIN handle to be crucial to my progress.

Tony, USA

Exclusive 10% Isochain Discount!

Like what you’ve seen?

Now is the time to start investing in yourself.

Clicking on the button below will get you an exclusive 10% discount on your Isochain.

I’ve never seen any other affiliates who are offering a 10% customer discount, so when I say this is an exclusive discount, I really mean it!

Make sure you use the link below and input code A1ATHLETE at checkout!

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