Using a belt squat rack attachment is one of the most effective ways to hammer your quads and glutes while giving your lower back a rest.
Standalone belt squat machines are expensive and take up a ton of space in your home gym and simply aren’t going to be a practical option for a lot of athletes.
Luckily for us, there’s plenty of squat/power rack attachments that do a decent job of turning your rig into a fully functional belt squat machine.
I’ve spent the last couple days looking at which belt squat rack attachments produce the best feeling belt squats at the most affordable rates.
I’ve also come to learn exactly which attachments have serious flaws and should be avoided at all costs.
So without further ado, here are the 5 best belt squat attachments for 2023!
Let’s begin!
Revolt Fitness have produced the most simple, practical, and affordable belt squat attachment that is absolutely perfect for the vast majority of home gyms.
Best Overall Belt Squat Attachment
If you’re looking for a simple belt squat attachment that won’t cost an arm and a leg, the Revolt attachment is hands down the best product on the market.

Why The Revolt Belt Squat Attachment Works So Well
Revolt did a really good job at keeping this product super simple but knowing exactly what makes an attachment like this effective.
Getting the length of the arm as well as the position of the weight peg in the correct location is 90% of the battle, and Revolt absolutely nailed it.
Being so easy to attach and detach allows you to experiment with finding the perfect height on your rack to allow you to squat to maximum depth.
Will Work On Your Rack Or Your Money Back!
One major issue with other belt squat attachments is that they only fit on certain jammer arms or with specific kinds of power racks.
But the Revolt attachment will work perfectly with any 2×2, 3×2, or 3×3 rig.
It attaches quickly and easily with just a pin, so there’s no time wasted on assembly.
You can try it out risk-free as Revolt will give you a refund if it doesn’t fit your setup.
What an awesome offer!
Weight Capacity Has Been Improved!
The previous model for this attachment only allowed a max of 6 regular 45lb plates but Revolt have updated the post length to 14.4″ to allow 11 regular plates for a 495lb loading capacity.
Fantastic to see Revolt listening to feedback and swiftly improving their design.
Most Affordable Option By A Long Way!
These are currently going for $220 which makes the Revolt belt squat attachment far and away the most cost effective choice.
They also ship super quickly in about 2 days.
Unless you were willing to consider a landmine attachment (which we’ll look at next), you’re looking at paying 4-5 times as much money for the next best attachment that’ll work with any rack.
Hats off to Revolt who absolutely nailed this product.
Recommended Use
This is the most affordable power rack belt squat attachment on the market, great for a wide range of users.

- Guaranteed compatibility – if this attachment doesn’t fit your rack, they’ll give you a refund and pay for your return shipping!
- Super affordable.
- Improved weight capacity – you can now fit 11 regular plates or around 500lbs on the sleeve.

- Would be nice if there was a way to prop the attachment up so that you don’t have to start the lift at the heaviest point.
When it comes to belt squats, Rogue have done things better than anyone else in the game. If you’re low on space but want an incredible belt squat experience, the Rogue Monster Rhino Belt Squat Drop-In is the ultimate rack attachment.
Best Overall Belt Squat Attachment
The Rogue Rhino is widely considered to be the most popular home gym standalone belt squat machine there is.
This is because of its ultra smooth cable system which almost completely removes any forward hip pull and produces much higher muscle activation when squatting.
The Rogue Rhino also comes as a rack attachment which is the perfect solution for anyone who wanted a proper belt squat machine but didn’t have the space.
Now you can tack this attachment onto your existing rig and you’ve got a fully fledged, top shelf belt squat machine attached to your power rack.
Rogue Only Compatibility?
This attachment was designed to work with the Monster Series and Fortis power racks by Rogue.

I couldn’t confirm whether it would attach to other racks, but Coop of Garage Gym Reviews has managed to attach his Rogue Rhino to a Titan rack, so I imagine it’s doable?
Everything about this belt squat machine is phenomenal and I went into much greater detail in my best belt squat machines article where I explained all the bells and whistles.
Pricing Options
The drop-in attachment is $2,145 which is definitely a bit steep, but I would consider this more of an entire belt squat machine, not just some ‘this will do’ attachment.
The standalone unit is $2,300, so if you’ve got the space, you may as well flick in the extra $150 and get that.
But it is an absolute beast of a thing and if you’ve already got a rack and are working with limited space, the drop-in will be your best option.
If you don’t already have a rack, you can get the Monster RM-3 attached for about $3,500.
Recommended Use
This is a great option for rack owners who want a full blown belt squat machine, but don’t have the room for both their power rack and belt squat machine.

- The Rhino is a cable system which is far more ergonomic than the lever arm setups.

- These things are quite expensive at just over $2,000.
If you've got a landmine setup in your gym then the Core Blaster attachment is going to be the most affordable way to transform it into a highly effective belt squat machine!
Best Landmine Belt Squat Attachment
One of the most effective ways of doing belt squats is to use a landmine attachment like the EliteFTS Core Blaster attachment.
It’s fairly simple to use and simply requires attaching your belt to the attachment, standing up to take the tension, and then pushing the vertical stabilizing bar so it’s horizontal.
Benefit Of This Attachment: High Starting Position
One of the biggest issues with belt squat attachments is the first rep is often very awkward/difficult since you’re forced to crouch down below the bottom of your squat range of motion just to clip your belt onto the lever.
You then have to attempt to stand up from this crouched position with sometimes a lot of weight on the bar.
One of the best things about this landmine attachment is that stabilizing lever which the bar rests on because it elevates the starting position to a point that’s quite high up off the ground.
This makes it super easy for anyone of any height to squat down and attach their belt.
Range Of Motion Tip
As with all belt squat attachments, the biggest obstacle is getting a full range of motion.
If you’re using 45lb plates, the plates may bang into the floor before you’ve hit full depth in your squat.
This effect is particularly noticeable with the landmine attachment but is a common theme for all belt squat attachments.
The best thing to do is use 25lb plates where possible which will give you some extra clearance and/or use a couple of boxes to elevate your feet just a little, which will allow you to get all the depth you need.
The Core Blaster attachment also comes with an S-ring which is very handy and improves the ROM quite a bit for taller users.
Weight Capacity Could Be Improved
The Core Blaster landmine attachment has an unfortunate weight limitation, so you’ll only be able to fit 270lbs onto the bar if using standard plates or 495lbs if you’ve got competition plates.

Unfortunately this is going to be a deal breaker for some athletes.
Very Competitive Price
The EliteFTS landmine attachment only costs around $160 without the belt, otherwise for $260 you can get the attachment with a belt.
The belt is a top quality options from Spud Inc which is ideal for belt squats.
At just $160, this is the most affordable belt squat attachment for anyone using a landmine.
It doesn’t come with the Core Blaster landmine setup, but you can use it on any landmine setup and some people just use the old barbell-in-the-corner trick.
Overall this is a super smart and well put together product and I think it’s an excellent hip belt squat option for anyone who has the room for a landmine setup.
Recommended Use
If you have the real estate for and are happy to use the landmine approach, this is the most affordable way to get your belt squats in.

- Fairly high starting position – great solution to the ‘first rep awkwardness’ problem.
- Works on any landmine setup – you don’t actually need a Core Blaster system to use this attachment.
- Extremely affordable – the attachment alone goes for around ~$160.

- Low weight capacity – You can only fit 270lbs using standard plates on the bar using this attachment.
- The landmine setup has a fairly large footprint compared to the Revolt attachment, so it might not be the best idea for smaller home gyms.
Sorinex have created one of the smoothest, most well designed belt squat attachments that allows users to move some serious weight!
Best Belt Squat Attachment – Runner Up
Without a doubt the smoothest belt squat attachment on the market is the JˣSquat from Sorinex.
This thing is fantastically designed with a beautiful finish and is definitely the most affordable premium belt squat solution on the market.
Weight Capacity Is Superior To The Rest
If you load up both of the 16″ bars with weight, you’ll be able to fit well over 700lbs of weight on this thing if you wanted to.

That might seem like overkill but because the weight ratio is only 60% felt weight, having this extra loading capacity is really important.
Admittedly, it would be a little annoying having to load up 700lbs just to move 420lbs of weight.
Automatic Kickstand Is Incredible!
Having a kickstand is super convenient because it allows you to start closer to the top of the first rep as opposed to in the hole.
But having an automatic kickstand is simply too damn smooth!
I’m a huge fan of this feature.
Spud Inc Belt Included
This attachment comes with a Spud Inc belt squat belt which is definitely one of the best belts on the market.
Also make sure you check out my article discussing the best belt squat belts before you decide if you want to stick with the Spud Inc belt!
Requires Jammer Arms!
Unfortunately this belt squat attachment won’t connect directly to you rig: you’ll need a jammer arm for it to attach onto.
If you already have jammer arms (yes it should work with Rogue jammers, but Sorinex won’t confirm this), then this is a super convenient option.
If you don’t have jammer arms, you’ll have to add that as an extra.
The jammer arm does come with pop pin storage so it won’t take up too much room in your gym.

While jammer arms massively increase the functionality per square foot of your rack with how many exercises they allow you to do, they’re not exactly cheap.
Full Setup Is Quite Expensive!
The JˣSquat belt squat attachment itself costs $499 but that assumes you already have a jammer arm to attach it to.
With the jammer arm you’re looking at $933 which might seem expensive, and it is, but you have to consider this price relative to the other options on the market.
Unquestionably the JˣSquat allows for far heavier and smoother feeling belt squats than the landmine or the Revolt attachments.
The next best option after this? You’re looking at over $1,500 and that solution comes with its own set of problems too.
So yes, $900 isn’t cheap. You could buy a standalone belt squat machine for that much.
But as far as heavy duty belt squat rack attachments go, this is quite a bit cheaper than the next two options we’re going to look at!
Recommended Use
This attachment is ideal for anyone who already has jammer arms on their rack. It’s definitely on the more expensive side, but isn’t too bad if you already have jammers.

- Very high loading capacity – great for athletes looking to move some serious weight!
- Automatic kickstand means you don’t have to start at the bottom of the rep.
- Spud Inc belt included.

- Only 60% felt weight ratio – this means you’ll only be ‘lifting’ 60% of the weight you put on the bar, forcing you to load up with additional plates.
- Requires jammer arms. If you don’t already have jammers, you can add them but it’ll double the price!
If you own a REP power rack, the REP belt squat attachment is probably going to be your best option...
Best Attachment For REP Racks
If you own a REP power rack, one of the better options worth exploring is the REP belt squat attachment.
Rep Got A Lot Right With This Attachment
There’s no shortage of things to like about the REP belt squat attachment…
1:1 Weight Ratio
This means whatever weight you load onto the pegs is the weight you’ll be lifting.
Heavy Duty Cable Design
Having a cable as opposed to a lever arm generally makes belt squats feel a lot smoother which is a positive here.
The attachment itself is made of solid 11 gauge steel and can load up to 600lbs of resistance which will be plenty for 99% of users.
Held In Using Pins
Installation is super quick and easy and you can install it anywhere on your REP power rack as it’s just a pin lock mechanism.
Works Great For Weighted Chin-Ups
One of the best uses for this belt squat attachment is that you can do weighted chin-ups without having to mess about with chaining plates between your legs.
As you’ll come to learn, this belt squat attachment is probably best used for movements that aren’t belt squats!
But There’s A Lot Not To Like…
There’s good reason why this is one of my least favorite belt squat attachments.
REP Compatible Only
Although we don’t know for sure that this attachment won’t work with other power racks, REP have stated they can’t guarantee it’ll function properly on any other rigs due to machining differences.
This means you really need to already be a REP rack owner in order to use this device.
Doesn’t Allow You To Hit Depth Easily
There’s a big problem with this belt squat attachment which is the depth/range of motion is absolutely terrible.
Massive shout out to Coop of Garage Gym Reviews who did a deep dive on this particular attachment!
When you’re standing over the top of the pully system, which is the most efficient place to be standing for belt squats, it’s extremely difficult to get even close to parallel before the weight stack bottoms out.
REP state that this is because of the belt used, but the problem persists with any belt squat belt and they don’t give any recommendation for a different belt.
One thing you can try to improve this issue is to ensure all the slack is taken out of the cable when attaching it, which will improve things slightly.
Of course this makes attaching your belt/starting the first rep even more difficult which we’re about to talk about.
Forced To Start At The Bottom Of The Rep
This is the most awkward of all belt squat attachments in terms of getting through that first rep/actually standing up with the weight.
Because the attachment is so low, it’s very difficult to simply begin your set.
Fortunately REP do have a DIY solution to this which involves using a chain and strap and while it does resolve the issue, this shouldn’t be an issue in the first place.
This was clearly overlooked during the design phase and it’s no small blunder because the attachment is extremely difficult to use for most people unless they’re willing to spend the time and money putting together the DIY fix.
Affordable But Requires Additional Expensive Attachments To Work
The other negative for this belt squat attachment is that you need to have the ‘lat and low row’ attachment on your rig already in order for this piece to work.
That’s what you’re loading your weights onto.
Unless you already have this, you’re going to have to pay another $430 to get this attachment.
The belt squat attachment itself is $300, so in total you’re looking at $730 for this setup.
Overall I’m not a big fan of the REP belt squat attachment.
I think they made a two pretty major design errors and while they can be mostly taken care of, I still think they missed the mark on this one.
Recommended Use
This is a decent option for people who already have a REP rack as well as the ‘lat and low row’ attachment.

- Quite affordable if you already have the lat low row attachment.
- Quick and easy installation.
- Versatile – can be used for other movements like weighted chin-ups

- Expensive if you don’t have the lat low row attachment.
- Forced to start at the bottom of the rep by default, although you can modify the attachment to remedy this.
- Poor depth/range of motion especially for taller users.
Final Verdict?
For the vast majority of users, the Revolt belt squat attachment will be the obvious choice.
If you’re a landmine aficionado, the Core Blaster attachment will probably be a great option also.
If you have jammer arms on your rack, consider upgrading to the Sorinex attachment.
If you’ve got the cash to burn, you might want to think about turning your rack into an absolute monster with the Rogue Rhino belt squat attachment!
My Belt Squat Attachment Research & Review Process
I always make it my mission to be as comprehensive as possible with these product reviews so I can be as helpful as possible to my readers.
Unfortunately, I’ve not yet been able to test any of these belt squat attachments, as getting products imported into Thailand (where I’m currently based) can be a fairly slow, expensive, and arduous process…
So in the interest of full transparency, I cannot yet speak about these products from first hand experience.
However, since there wasn’t much information available on the internet about belt squat rack attachments, I decided to take the time to research each of these options and put together this list anyway, hoping some of you would find it helpful.
15+ Hours Of Research
I spent a solid day looking at each of the different belt squat attachments, reading reviews, and comparing features and pricing.
I was able to fairly quickly determine what I believe are the top 5 attachments, but I’ve also included several other options which didn’t make the cut below.
Continually Updating With New Products & Information
As newer versions of these products come out, I’ll be updating this article so that you know exactly how my feelings towards each product evolve over time.
I’m also constantly on the hunt for new attachments that can offer value to the marketplace for inclusion in this article.
Feel free to read more about my product testing standards and review process.
Other Belt Squat Attachments
Although we’ve covered the 5 main belt squat attachments earlier in this article, there are a few others on the market you could consider.
I’ve chosen not to include them in the main list because I simply don’t think they rank in the top 5 for various reasons which we’ll get into.
Juggernaut Belt Squat Attachment
The Juggernaut belt squat attachment is actually a very solid unit coming in at just shy of $300.
It’s very similar to the Revolt bar except it has a slightly longer weight peg, so you should be able to fit one extra weight plate on there (bringing the total capacity up to 310lbs).
Juggernaut bars, like the Revolt, will work on virtually any rack.
These ship out of a small Etsy shop which you can visit here.
Not sure the slightly longer loading bar is worth the extra $100 over Revolt, but this is definitely a great product that’s worth taking a look at.
Barbell Ingenuity Belt Squat Attachment
Another very promising looking belt squat attachment comes from BBI.
This looks like a very new product/company and I’ve not seen a single review or demonstration video and there’s very little information on their website.
Having duel loading pins is really nice and at $340 this could be an extremely competitive attachment!
I think it’s best to wait until there’s at least a product demonstration or a few reviews before I take a closer look at this one.
That’s all I’ve got for now folks.
Hopefully I’ve helped you figure out which belt squat attachment is going to be best for your needs as an athlete or home gym owner.
If you feel I’ve made any errors in this article or would like me to take a closer look at anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out.