FAE Slant Board Pro Review – Best Budget Slant Board?

FAE Slant Board Pro Review

Slant Board Pro Review Summary

FAE Slant Board Pro

The Slant Board Pro is not only the most affordable performance slant board on the market, but it's also the largest, making it a super high value option for any athlete.

Our Rating:

The Good

Large and wide surface area perfect for bigger feet and squats.

Budget-friendly without sacrificing quality.

Texturized grip that provides a ton of traction.

30º angle is versatile for many different exercises.

The Bad

None – the Slant Board Pro knocks it out of the park as a budget-friendly slant board!

Recommended For

The FAE Slant Board Pro is great for anyone wanting a good-quality, budget-friendly slant board for knees over toes/ATG training or static calf stretching.

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FAE Slant Board Pro Review – The Most Affordable Slant Board?

The FAE Slant Board Pro is a no-nonsense type of slant board that does exactly what you need it to at a price that simply can’t be beat.

Freak Athlete Essentials Slant Board Pro


Let’s take a look at what makes this thing special, and why it’s become one of my top rated slant boards of all time – and there’s more to love than just the price tag!

The FAE Slant Board Pro Is The LARGEST Slant Board

Size does matter… in slant boards, at least.

The Slant Board Pro sizes in at 20×12.5×6 inches — that’s more surface area than any other slant board!

Slant BoardDimensions
FAE Slant Board Pro20″ x 12.5″
SBG Slant Board19.7″ x 12.6″
TBG Slant Board19.5″ x 11″
Shogun X MR1NF1N1TY VMO Pro15.5″ x 14″

This allows you to get your entire foot on the surface, which improves your stability massively – that’s very important if you want to do any sort of loaded exercise!

I have a size 10 shoe and have PLENTY of room to move up or down.

Slant Board Pro Wide Surface Area


Another big benefit to this being so large is that you’re not limited to a narrow stance width, but can play around with your foot placement quite a lot, giving you a WIDE (pun intended) variety of stances possible here.


Don’t worry though, just because the Slant Board Pro is big doesn’t mean you’ll strain your back picking it up.

It weighs in at 5 lbs, making it easy to pick up and move around without needing to have a strong deadlift – plus, it has a nice handle cut into the back!

FAE Slant Board Carry Handle


The FAE Slant Board Pro Is Perfect For Knees Over Toes & ATG Training

The Slant Board Pro boasts a 30º incline, which can be good or great, depending on your preferences.

I personally find that 30º is as steep as I’d like to go, yet I can still do my Poliquin step ups and ATG split squats with no problems.

Again, this all comes down to your preference, but 30º is on the verge of a little too steep, but is just doable for me.


It’s also perfect for calf stretching – the combo of the 30º angle and massive footprint makes it super easy to get a deep, it-hurts-so-good, stretch in your calf.

FAE Slant Board Pro Calf Stretch


The board also has next-to-no “lip” at the bottom – it smoothly transitions from ramp to floor, making it a whole lot more comfortable to hang your toes off when you’re barefoot. 

The Slant Board Pro Has A Friend

I know I’m not the only who’s extremely satisfied when two pieces of equipment work perfectly together. 

FAE has the Multi-Step, which raises the surface of the Slant Board Pro wonderfully. 

FAE Multi Step


These two mesh so well together, that if you’re looking to progress your ATG/knees over toes training, you already have a great option available from the same company that created this slant board – it’s sort of like using Apple products together… they just combine so well.

Check out my full review of the Multi-Step Pro!

The FAE Slant Board Pro Is The Budget King

Here’s what it takes to be dubbed the Budget King: you need to offer a great price (obviously) while maintaining high-quality and usability.

The Slant Board Pro does just that.

It’s SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper, being 30 bucks less than the next comparable option.

It has a great design, and doesn’t skimp out with poor-quality materials.

Sure, there are some cheaper options available on Amazon, but they don’t compare at all to the Slant Board Pro – I feel like I’d have to re-buy those cheaper ones over and over again because they’d break all the time.

Plus, unlike a lot of the Amazon brands, FAE had ATG training specifically in mind when designing this thing.

And if you want the best price possible, use our code A1ATHLETE at checkout!

What I Liked About The FAE Slant Board Pro

It’s obvious that I’m a fan, so here’s a closer look at why:

Amazing Grip

The grip is one of the most important parts about a slant board, and FAE did a great job here.

Slant Board Pro Grip Surface


It’s a skateboard grip-tape texture, and keeps my feet from slipping quite well whether using shoes or when I’m barefoot – this kept up with my sweaty feet no problem. 

Usually I find that this type of grip gets dirty easily, but strangely enough the Slant Board Pro has been holding up nicely!

Construction Quality

The screws don’t poke out, the glue keeps the wood together well, it’s lightweight, the handle is smooth and functional, and I don’t feel worried that it’ll break while I’m using it. 

Slant Board Pro Construction Quality


It’s very basic, just good ol’ wood screwed/glued together and griptape – but it does “basic” very well!

FAE has tested this for up to 800 lbs of external weight, so no worries for all you freakishly strong athletes out there, it’ll hold your squat!

Smart Design

The 30º angle and the large surface area are perfect for ATG/knees over toes exercises, and is also great for people needing a wider squat stance.

The lipless design is also A+ for comfort.

How Does The FAE Slant Pro Compare To Other Slant Boards?

Let’s check out how it does against two heavy hitters.

Slant Board Pro vs. SBG Slant Board

Both slant boards rock a 30º angle and the same textured grip, but the FAE is a bit larger and way cheaper.

Other than the premium build quality difference and size, there’s not much else.

Personally, I’d choose the FAE slant board over the SBG slant board since it’s just as effective, yet far more affordable.

Slant Board Pro vs. VMO Pro

The VMO Pro can adjust its angle from 20º to 40º, whereas the Slant Board Pro is fixed at 30º. 

You can also raise the VMO Pro up by 6 inches, which you need the Multi Step or another raised surface (like plates) to get the same effect with the Slant Board Pro. 

It’s also way more portable than the Slant Board Pro, but the steel-construction and unique design bumps up the price significantly higher than the Slant Board Pro’s. 

Check out our roundup of the best slant boards of 2023 to get a more in-depth comparison!

Who Should Get The FAE Slant Board Pro?

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly slant board without sacrificing quality, look no further. 

The Slant Board Pro is a great option for anybody’s lifting or ATG training needs, without breaking the bank, and is even better for people with large feet or wider squat stances.

It’s also great for people who don’t want to slip while training barefoot!

What’s The Verdict?

The FAE Slant Board Pro is one of my personal favorites.

It gets the job done for all your exercises – even though it has a rather steep incline angle – while providing excellent grip and quality construction.

The Slant Board Pro is the best bang-for-your-buck slant board, especially for anyone on a budget or wants to get started with ATG training without diving into premium-priced equipment right off the bat. 

I definitely recommend it!


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