3 Best Single Leg Tib Bars In 2023

Best Single Leg Tib Bars

While regular bilateral tib bars are a fantastic way to develop your tibialis anterior, serious athletes understand that single foot tib bars offer a more comprehensive lower leg stimulus.

I’ve personally tested every single leg tib bar on the market (including ones that haven’t been released to the public yet) and know exactly which products are worth buying, and which aren’t.

At the end of this article, I’ll go into more detail about the advantages of choosing a single leg tib bar over a regular tib bar and why you absolutely must get your hands on one of these!

*NOTE The below video is seriously outdated as several products in this roundup have been updated recently. Read the full article for the latest info!

Let’s dive right into my top 3 recommendations!

Most Versatile
Freak Athlete Essentials Tri-Flexor

The Tri-Flexor not only functions as an extremely effective single leg tib bar, but it also doubles up as a MonkeyFeet-like device allowing you to train your hamstrings and hip flexors as well as your shins!

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Most Versatile Single Leg Tib Bar

Athletes interested in developing their shins are often interested in developing other neglected lower body muscles like the hip flexors as well as the hamstrings…

The Tri-Flexor allows you to train all 3 of these muscles and many more.

The Tri-Flexor Is The Most Comfortable Single Leg Tib Bar

Even if you’re only interested in training your shins, the Tri-Flexor is one of the nicest feeling devices to perform tib raises with…


The reason it feels so great is because of the heel strap.

Neither the Solo Tib Bar nor the Isotib secure around your heel quite like the Tri-Flexor does, which is why I enjoy the feeling of this tib bar the most.

Special Features: Heel Pivot Plate & Eccentric Strap

The other cool thing that separates this tib bar from the rest is the pivot plate on the back of the device.

Triflexor Pivot Plate


This thing allows you to rest your heel on a platform which takes the stabilizer muscles out of the ankle dorsiflexion movement, creating a more isolated stimulus of the tibialis…



You’ll also notice the eccentric strap which attaches to the top of the device and allows you assist yourself through the concentric portion of those really difficult last few reps.

Tri-Flexor Doubles Up As A MonkeyFeet

You can screw in the two side sleeves which transform the Tri-Flexor into a MonkeyFeet-like device, allowing you to train your hip flexors, hamstrings, and quads as well!




Final Verdict?

Having used each of the single foot tib bars extensively, my official recommendation is the Tri-Flexor because it’s super easy to get your foot into and out of, it’s incredibly ergonomic to use, it’s crazy versatile, and it’s significantly more affordable than the alternatives.

To get a clearer picture of what this thing can do, be sure to check out my full Tri-Flexor review!



  • Most ergonomic and comfortable feeling tib bar due to the heel strap which secures your foot from a unique angle.
  • Allows you to train more than just your tibs!
  • Super affordable


  • Only fits up to size US13 (men’s).
  • Weight clips aren’t included in price, but can be added on.



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Runner Up
TBG Solo Tib Bar

TBG's latest iteration of their Solo Tib Bar has an improved ankle strap and now includes a weight clamp which also allows you to do a wide variety of movements.

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Best Single Leg Tib Bar – Runner Up

TBG’s Solo Tib Bar has been massively improved from the first version (which was awesome, by the way).

It now has a padded ankle strap to really lock your foot down and improve ergonomics.

TBG Solo Tib Bar Dismantled


You’ll also notice the stainless steel weight sleeve which they’ve added.

The biggest change they’ve made was adding a clamp which attaches to the weight sleeve, allowing you to secure your foot to a dumbbell (just like the MonkeyFeet).

TBG Solo Tib Bar With Dumbbell


So just like the Tri-Flexor, you can do hip flexor raises, leg curls, and leg extensions in addition to absolutely slamming your tibs!

Be sure to check out my full Solo Tib Bar review!



  • Ankle strap prevents heel from slipping and gives better stimulus.
  • New clamp allows for heavier loads.


  • Clamp is pretty fiddly to adjust.



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Also Great

HGG's ISOTIB has been massively reworked in the LT version which is far more lightweight, way more ergonomic, and much easier to use. It's also way cheaper too!

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HGG’s Isotib Got A Major Facelift!

HGG Performance were the first to start making tib bars and their Isotib was the first ever unilateral tib bar.

HGG Isotib Demo


Originally I wasn’t a fan of the old design because the foot clamp was extremely slow to adjust, but they’ve recently made some major improvements.

HGG Isotib Preview


This thing is way more like TBG’s Solo Tib Bar than it is the old Isotib.

It secures around your heel and the ratchet straps secure it to your feet, creating a much more ergonomic experience than the original.

I’ve not yet had a chance to test this new version out, but it looks absolutely awesome and I’ve already hit HGG up for one of these!

If you’d like, check out my old HGG Isotib review to get a feel for the evolution of this product.



  • Heel and forefoot straps make this much easier to use than the original Isotib
  • Much cheaper than the original Isotib too!


  • Hard to say just yet, I’ll update this once I’ve had a chance to test it!



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Final Verdict?

Overall I think it comes down to knowing exactly what you’re looking for…

If you just want a simple, easy to use single leg tib bar for the express purpose of getting those tib raises in, then the HGG ISOTIB-LT is sure to be a great option.

But if you’re looking for the gnarliest possible tib stimulus and wouldn’t mind training your hip flexors, hamstrings, and quads as well, then the versatility of the FAE Tri-Flexor makes it pretty tough to beat!

I’ll be testing out the latest TBG Solo Tib Bar this week and I’ll report back as to exactly how practical this product is!

My Single Leg Tib Bar Testing & Review Process

I always make it my mission to be as comprehensive as possible with these product reviews so I can be as helpful as possible to my readers.

That’s why I’ve personally tested each of the 3 single leg tib bars over a number of months.

I’ve performed at least 30 sets of tib raises, ankle rotations, and inversion/eversion raises using each of these devices using a variety of different weight plates while intentionally being quite rough with the tib bars to see if they would break.

As far as durability is concerned, I didn’t have a single problem with any of the tib bars and they’re all really high quality builds!

Negotiating The Best Customer Discounts For Jump Stronger Readers

Part of my mission to be as helpful as possible is to help you guys get the biggest discounts possible.

Over the last few months I’ve been able to negotiate 10% discounts with each of these tib bar manufacturers.

As always, remember to use the discount code “A1ATHLETE” at checkout when buying any of these products to ensure you get the best possible deal!

Continually Updating With New Products & Information

As I gain more experience using each of these single leg tib bars, I’ll be updating this article so that you know exactly how my feelings towards each product evolve over time.

I’m also constantly on the hunt for new single leg tib bars that can offer value to the marketplace for inclusion in this article.

If you’re a tib bar manufacturer and want your product reviewed and included in this article, please get in touch.

Feel free to read more about my product testing standards and review process.

Single Leg Tib Bar Vs Regular Tib Bar?

Which is better? Single leg tib bar or regular bilateral tib bar?

You firstly need to understand the benefits of a single leg tib bar…

Benefits Of Using A Single Leg Tib Bar

The primary benefit of using a single leg tib bar is the ability to train more than just your tibialis: you can hit all of the lower leg muscles including your peroneals using a single leg tib bar.

This is done primarily through performing ‘ankle rotations’.


You can also do inversion/eversion raises to target the otherwise ‘impossible to train’ muscles of the lower leg.



Other reasons to us a single leg tib bar is for the healing benefits of the ankle rotations.

Performing loaded circular ankle rotations is a great way to clean up old scar tissue from previous ankle injuries.

This works wonders for your ankle mobility.

People also use single leg tib bars to rehab a specific leg after surgeries have left them weak.

Unilateral training also irons out muscle imbalances whereas bilateral (regular tib bar) training only exacerbates any imbalances you may have in your tibs.

Benefits Of Using A Regular Tib Bar

Why use a regular tib bar? Efficiency.

It’s a little quicker to train both of your legs when you’re training them at the same time.

Personally I love switching back and forth between my regular tib bar and my single leg tib bar, but which is best for you depends on exactly what things you value as an athlete!