BoingVERT Review 2024 – How Bad Is It Really?

BoingVERT Review

BoingVERT Review Summary


Although it's definitely not the worst vertical jump program on the market, BoingVERT could certainly be improved in many areas.

I don't really recommend this program but could see it being a decent fit for beginner athletes on a really tight budget.

Our Rating:

The Good

Extremely affordable.

Very simple and beginner friendly.

The Bad

Carelessly put together; lots of typos.

Lots of bloat and unnecessary/irrelevant content.

Exercise selection is questionable.

Questionable dietary advice.

Recommended For

Although I don’t recommend BoingVERT, it’s best suited to complete beginners who don’t have access to a gym.

Check Out BoingVERT

BoingVERT Review – How Bad Is This Program REALLY?

BoingVERT has gained a pretty bad rep in recent years as being… a not so great vertical jump program.

BoingVERT Logo

So I decided to buy the program and take a look at whether this is really the case or not…

Before we get into it, make sure you check out my list of the current best vertical jump programs for 2024.

How Does BoingVERT Work? & What To Expect

BoingVERT is an 8 week bodyweight vertical jump training program, which means it’s quite similar in design to the Vert Shock program which is the only other 8 week bodyweight jump program on the current market.

Up until very recently, BoingVERT’s website has been an absolute disaster… It was extremely confusing and they had about 20 different programs and awful sales copy.

Currently, it looks as though the only vertical jump program they’re selling is the BEAST program, which is their main program and the one I’ve analyzed in today’s article.

Despite being very basic in nature, it’s marketed as the ‘most advanced program ever created’…

BoingVERT Most Advanced Program Ever Created

Unfortunately this is largely a false promise, and I’ll explain why throughout the rest of this article.

BoingVERT BEAST is delivered via the Thinkific platform, which is the only jump program using this software. For the most part, it was pretty easy to access and interact with.

BoingVERT Thinkific

You can expect to be training 6 days a week for BoingVERT: most days are full lower body workouts, but there’s occasionally an active recovery/core/mini-workout day.

Each workout goes for between 20-60 minutes in length, which makes them fairly easy to get through.

Each day’s workout has an approximated duration as well, so you can see how long you’ll be training for, which definitely helps people with busy schedules.

BoingVERT Workout Duration Approximation

Upper body training is not included in BoingVERT – you’ll need to buy the BoingSTRONG program for $2 if you want access to an upper body program as well!


BoingVERT Structure

BoingVERT is structured so that it’s really simple to follow… There’s no phases but rather just 56 days of training that you have to work through sequentially…

BoingVERT 56 Days

You also aren’t allowed to jump ahead and check out future training days as the content is dripped out on a weekly basis.

BoingVERT Exercises

Each of the BoingVERT exercises are either lower body strength, isometrics, or plyometrics – there’s no upper body or core work in the program.

Expect fairly standard plyometrics throughout the program as well as a lot of isometric movements such as bodyweight isometric squats, jump ready holds, and wall sits.

Personally I am not a big fan of a number of the exercises that were prescribed in the first week – they’re just not all that effective and aren’t going to move the needle much.

Do I Need Equipment For BoingVERT?

BoingVERT is advertised as a bodyweight program, which means you don’t need any equipment, however a box around the same height of your current vertical jump will be helpful.

BoingVERT Equipment

BoingVERT Results

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any public case studies or ‘before and after’ transformations for BoingVERT, which is quite surprising because it’s been on the market since 2011…

There’s plenty of testimonials on the BoingVERT website, but no actual clear video evidence of people increasing their vertical.

BoingVERT says on their website that the average gain on their previous programs per user is 10.3″…

Obviously this is a straight up lie, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many testimonials on their site claiming 5-6″ gains, and I don’t think there’s a single credible testimonial of someone gaining 10″ or more…

This is straight up disingenuous and a pretty poor way to go about marketing a business, in my opinion.

What I Liked About BoingVERT

It should be pretty obvious by now that I’m not a huge fan of BoingVERT, but there are a few good things about this program…

It’s Cheap

At just $27, BoingVERT is the cheapest vertical jump training program on the market, costing slightly less than The Lost Breed’s Flight School.

Despite it being the cheapest program, it’s definitely better than Flight School, so at least it’s got that going for it!

It’s Easy To Understand

The BoingVERT website used to look like a dog’s breakfast… It still is a bit of a mess, but at least they’ve made it slightly easier to navigate in recent times.

Even though I’m not much of a fan, it’s clear that a lot of time and effort went into this program…

The exercise demos are very good and the workouts are organized into daily modules which are very simple to work through.

One thing I’m actually not a fan of is how much information they’ve packed into this program…

It’s got all sorts of unnecessary clutter like daily mindset modules, breathwork, and yoga routines you have to move through to complete.

Some people will definitely like this, but I don’t think it really adds much value.

This Program WILL Work

BoingVERT is not perfect by any means… but that doesn’t mean it’s completely worthless…

If followed correctly, you will get results from BoingVERT.

Does that mean it’s going to get you maximum gains? No.

But over an 8 week period, the difference you see from following BoingVERT, Vert Shock, or any other 8 week program is probably going to be quite negligable.

And this program is dirt cheap, so if you can’t afford a better program, by all means BoingVERT is a great place to start!

What I Disliked About BoingVERT

I’m going to try my best to run through each of these fairly quickly, because there’s quite a long list of things I wasn’t a fan of in BoingVERT.

Typos Every Other Sentence

This program looks like it was written by a 12 year old… there’s spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical errors all over the place…

Normally I’m happy to overlook a few errors, but there’s a lot – it’s clear no one took the time to proofread the copy even once…

This just shows not only a lack of attention to detail, but a general lack of pride in the work they’ve done.

Weak Jump Mechanics Guide

There is some information about jump technique baked into the BoingVERT program, but it really is not so well done…

BoingVERT Jump Mechanics Guide

If you read through this, it’s a lot of words that aren’t really saying much… My takeaway from this was ‘lean as I jump’ – lean where? How?

The video was the exact same: a very poor biomechanical breakdown of jump technique with zero in the way of useful cues or tips.

Contrast this with Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual or the programs by PJF Performance, which have some of the best jump mechanics guides I’ve ever seen, and the difference is night and day.

When listening to guys like Hiller, Ray, Barnard, and Fabritz talk about vertical jump training, I get a very strong impression that they really know what they’re talking about…

I don’t get that intuition listening to this guy speak about jump mechanics at all.

Bad Diet Advice

The carnivore diet is aggressively advocated for throughout this program, and I can’t understand why…

Recommending obscure diet frameworks is so far out of the scope of a vertical jump program that it seems quite odd.

Not only is this completely unnecessary, but recommending carnivore and keto diets is simply bad advice for vertical jump aspiring athletes…

I’ve written previously about diet advice for maximizing your vertical jump and literally wrote NOT to do carnivore!

Vertical Jump Carnivore Diet

Fast twitch muscle fibers need carbs… the science is very clear…

Eat Carbs For Vertical Jump

I think BoingVERT had their heart in the right place, and clearly wanted to provide value to the user by discussing the topic of diet, but they seem to have really missed the mark in this instance…

Random Unnecessary Content

Again you can tell a lot of effort went into this program, but stuff like this is just clutter and adds absolutely no value…

BoingVERT BEAST Rep Analysis

At best this chart is super confusing and at worst makes no sense at all… Regardless, it is not at all helpful to the end user and serves no useful purpose.

It’s starting to be a theme in this program: lots of information and work has gone into it, but it’s not what people care about, which is the transformation of their vertical jump.

Weak Exercise Selection

I’m personally not a big fan of a number of the exercises used in BoingVERT.

There’s a lot of isometric work, which is okay in moderation, but I think it’s slightly overdone in this program.

Movements like bodyweight isometric squats (i.e. just holding a squat position with your bodyweight) simply aren’t going to develop strength very efficiently.

I’d like to see less isometrics and more ‘challenging’ movements like single leg box squats, calf raises, SL RDLs, and SL glute bridges.

Dishonest Marketing About Results

It’s one thing to use ‘marketing’ language and say your program achieves gains of up to 15″ on your vertical jump, but it’s a whole nother thing to blatantly lie about the average jump increases…

BoingVERT How Many Inches

This type of language is very different than being hyperbolic or exaggerating things slightly, it’s a blatant attempt to deceive.

No program averages 10 inch gains, and most definitely not 8 week long bodyweight programs…

Who Created BoingVERT?

Shawn Myszka, BoingVERT Creator

BoingVERT was created by Shawn Myszka, a certified strength and conditioning specialist who now works primarily with football players as a performance coach.

It’s unclear exactly how much experience Shawn had with coaching athletes to jump higher when BoingVERT was created over 10 years ago, but he certainly seems more than qualified on paper.

Kelly Baggett, BoingVERT Author

BoingVERT was co-authored by Kelly Baggett of Higher Faster Sports, who is best known for being the creator of the Vertical Jump Bible.

Baggett is extremely well known in the vertical jump space because of the legendary status of Vertical Jump Bible, which is still to this day a very comprehensive intro to the theory surrounding jump training!

It’s unclear exactly how much Baggett contributed to the BoingVERT program, or which parts each author worked on.

BoingVERT has had so many revisions over the years and the current product looks absolutely nothing like the original, so it’s quite difficult to tell who’s really responsible for it in its current iteration.

How Does BoingVERT Compare To Other Vertical Jump Programs?

BoingVERT, in my opinion, does quite poorly when compared to virtually any other vertical jump program…

The one thing BoingVERT has going for itself is its price tag at just $27, which is significantly cheaper than most of the other decent jump programs on the market.

BoingVERT Or Vert Shock?

Structurally speaking, BoingVERT differs from Vert Shock in that it includes lower body strengthening exercises as well as plyometrics; Vert Shock is a plyometrics only program.

Having said that, both programs are 8 weeks in length and don’t require gym access, so these programs are quite similar.

Personally, I would prefer to do Vert Shock over BoingVERT any day of the week.

I think the exercises and programming are done slightly better and I prefer the simplicity of Vert Shock.

Vert Shock probably overdoes it in terms of challenging exercises/jump volume, whereas BoingVERT appears to really underdo it.

There’s also plenty more evidence for Vert Shock being effective over an 8 week period than there is for BoingVERT.

Having said that, BoingVERT is less than half the price of Vert Shock, so that’s pretty important to consider as well.

BoingVERT vs. Jump Manual

Jump Manual is one of my absolute favorite vertical jump programs of all time.

I think Jacob Hiller has done a far better job in virtually every regard.

Hiller’s program is not only more beginner friendly, but also a better choice for advanced athletes as it involves weight training.

The programming is far more comprehensive and the jump mechanics guide is outstanding.

Yes, Jump Manual is quite a bit more expensive than BoingVERT, but I believe that program is significantly higher value overall.

Who Should Do BoingVERT?

I personally wouldn’t recommend anyone do BoingVERT, because I think there’s so many better options.

That said, BoingVERT would be best suited to someone who is a complete beginner and doesn’t have access to a gym.

It’s also a fairly good option overall for anyone on a very tight budget!

What’s The Verdict?

BoingVERT was pretty much what I was expecting: not terrible by any means, but still too messy for my liking and nothing really stood out as being particularly well done.

I wouldn’t recommend BoingVERT, but it definitely isn’t the worst option in the world and is still decent value for money at just $27.

Instead I’d recommend checking out OTA’s Elite Vertical Academy which is a far superior program that definitely won’t break the bank.

Check Out BoingVERT


As I start to receive more questions regarding BoingVERT, I’ll be updating this section of the article with the latest info.

Does BoingVERT offer refunds?

BoingVERT will only offer a refund if you complete the entire program and are still not happy. They have the ability to see if you went through each day’s modules or not, so if you didn’t stick it out til the end, you likely won’t be able to get a refund.

What is the average BoingVERT vertical increase?

According to BoingVERT’s FAQ, the average vertical increase from their previous programs is 10.3″, but they’re still collecting data for this program.

Does BoingVERT use weights?

BoingVERT is a bodyweight program and does not require weights.

How long is the BoingVERT program?

The BoingVERT program has a duration of 8 weeks.

Is BoingVERT a scam?

BoingVERT definitely isn’t a scam. I’ve personally bought the program and it definitely will produce results!