THP Strength Review Summary
THP Strength
Isaiah Rivera and John Evans' THP Strength offers one of the most comprehensive vertical jump training memberships on the current market.
They offer tailor made jump programs as well as direct access to top level coaches.
The Good
Jump programs are tailored to your individual needs as an athlete.
Extremely active Facebook group where you can ask questions and post videos for feedback.
Coaches are super responsive.
The Bad
Really expensive!
It’s unclear exactly how much time goes into the personalization of each program.
Recommended For
THP Strength is a great match for advanced athletes who are super serious about maximizing their vertical jump progress and want that white-glove service that comes with custom programming and direct access to top coaches.
Check Out THP StrengthTHP Strength Review – Isaiah Rivera & John Evans’ Jump Training
Probably the best professional dunker in the world right now has combined forces with his coach John Evans to begin coaching others on how they can also achieve vertical jump mastery.
Clearly John and Isaiah know how jump training works, but just how good is their jump training really?
How Does THP Strength Work? & What To Expect
THP Strength currently offer a ‘full service’ online vertical jump coaching program which includes a customized jump training program designed specifically for your individual needs as an athlete.
They’re also both on hand to answer any questions, critique your jump technique or squat form, and help you along your journey as an athlete.
Sign Up Questionnaire
When I signed up to THP Strength, I had to fill out a fairly extensive questionnaire so the coaches could get a feel for my starting point, what injuries I’m dealing with, my goals, etc.
The information you supply in this questionnaire will help THP tailor your personal jump training protocol.

After you’ve filled out the survey, you’re instructed to download the TeamBuildr app, which is the training app on which your workouts will be delivered.
Expect to wait about 24 hours to receive your program before you can begin training!
Multiple Services Offered
I think the current sign-up process looks a little different to how it was when I signed up, and you might now be required to book a call before signing up.
Previously THP Strength offered two services: training only and full service – what you get for each service has recently been modified, though it’s not completely clear exactly what is currently being offered and for what price.

Since I was doing the ‘training only’ previously, I had access to adjustable custom programming and the Facebook group – it appears as though I’ll be grandfathered into the new service.
I’ll update this article with the latest regarding the services being offered once I know more.
Workouts Delivered Via TeamBuildr App
Once you’ve got your program, you’ll be able to access your workouts via the TeamBuildr app.
I’m a big fan of TeamBuildr as it’s extremely easy to use and does a great job of tracking progress.

Exercise demos from Isaiah himself are just one click away!
THP Strength send through a week’s worth of workouts at a time, being delivered each Sunday night.
Individualized Jump Program
Since I have pretty dodgy knees with some meniscus issues, my programs have contained knee health protocols right from day 1.

Once my knees get into better shape, my program will be modified slightly to reflect this.
Your THP Strength jump program is a living, breathing organism and can be quickly modified to suit your individual needs as an athlete.

This degree of service is definitely a rung higher than you’ll see from any other jump training membership!
Full Access To Isaiah Rivera & John Evans
The whole idea behind THP Strength is that you have full access to 2 of the smartest minds when it comes to vertical jump training…
You get access to a Facebook group where both Isaiah and John are usually quite quick to respond to any questions you may have.

Whether it’s lifting form or jump technique, you’re going to get some pretty quick feedback on exactly how you’re doing.

You’re also encouraged to share any wins you might have had with your training recently…

Of all the vertical jump training programs that have Facebook groups as part of them, THP Strength’s is by far the best.
Since people are paying good money for access, they’re actually making good use of it – other programs’ Facebook groups are usually completely dead!
Do I Need Equipment For THP Strength?
Equipment is not necessary for THP Strength, although I would highly advise it…
THP will prescribe bodyweight-only movements for you if you don’t have access to a gym, but since this is a pretty expensive service, you’re really going to want to have access to a fully equipped weight room to get the most out of it.
One cool thing is that if you don’t have access to a specific piece of gym equipment, John can easily modify your program with an alternative exercise.
What I Liked About THP Strength
There’s a lot to like about the product THP Strength have put together, so let’s take a look at some of the highlights for me…
Workout Presentation Is Nice
TeamBuildr is a fantastic app and does a great job of displaying each workout in an easy to read manner.

Exercise demonstrations are fairly well done overall and usually includes a video from Isaiah explaining exactly how to do each exercise.
Best Facebook Group By Far
Most vertical jump programs or training memberships come with some sort of a community/forum/group aspect where you can ask questions, but the overwhelming majority of them are completely inactive.
THP Strength’s Facebook group is absolutely fantastic.
It’s super active with multiple posts per day and Isaiah as well as John are quite quick to respond to all queries!

You can also use the ‘Search’ feature in the group to find previously asked questions or information, which is extremely useful, making this group somewhat like a vertical jump training database!
Direct Access To Coaches
Whether you’re looking for advice on training, feedback on squat or power clean form, or want to tighten up your jump mechanics, having direct access to both John Evans and Isaiah Rivera is really valuable.

This kind of access is primarily what you’re paying for with THP Strength.
What I Disliked About THP Strength
Although I’m a fan of THP Strength overall, there’s plenty that could be done to improve the overall service.
Lack Of Jump Training Info/Resources
All you’re really getting when you sign up for THP Strength is a custom training program and the Facebook group which allows you to contact coaches…
I’d really like to see some sort of additional educational material which goes into detail explaining some of the scientific principles involved in vertical jump training.
Other programs like Jump Manual as well as OTA’s Elite Vertical Academy do a really good job of explaining why we’re doing the movements we are, as well as what concepts you need to grasp to really understand jump training.
This could be as simple as a PDF or relatively short video series and would be a great way to educate athletes on what they’re about to do in their training program.
Apparently there is a jump technique guide as well as some nutrition documentation in the ‘full service’ program, but this should be made available to all trainees considering the price being paid.
Delivery Of Initial Workouts Isn’t Ideal
I ordered the training on Tuesday 11/29 and received my workouts on Wednesday morning 11/30. I could see workouts dating back to Monday 11/28 and through til Saturday 12/03…
This raised a few questions in my mind… Am I just supposed to ignore the workouts from 11/28-29 and start from Wednesday? If so, I’m missing the bulk of my heavy lifting for the week…
Instead of doing this workout…

…I’m doing this one…

What if I had ordered on Friday and received my workouts on Saturday, I’d have missed like 6 workouts?
I think the way workouts are delivered for that first week could be improved slightly to remove this confusion, or they could let you know what to do regarding the missed workouts.
Facebook Group Access Now Only For ‘Full Service’ Members?
I mentioned earlier that THP Strength are changing the services they offer slightly, and it appears as though new signups will no longer get access to the Facebook group unless they’re part of the higher tier training service.

It isn’t clear exactly what the current price for ‘training only’ is, but previously it was $129/month…
If they’re still charging $129/month for a non-adjustable custom program, this is absolute daylight robbery, in my eyes.
Unfortunately we can’t see the current prices as it’s no longer displayed on their website, but I have inquired and will be updating this article as soon as someone gets back to me.
The Facebook group (i.e. access to Isaiah and John) is a lot more valuable to the end user than just the program alone.
That’s what people are really looking for when they sign up to THP Strength…
I wouldn’t pay more than $15/month just for a custom jump program, which leads me to my next point…
Degree Of Program Customization Is Unknown
Exactly how much time and effort John/Isaiah put into each member’s training program is unknown.
Are they spending a good 10 minutes per member each week, looking over the previous week’s progress to determine what movements should be prescribed for the following week?
Or are they just pumping out mostly canned programs to hundreds of members every week and then waiting for people to complain in the Facebook group that they can’t do a certain movement?
There’s currently over 500 THP Strength members, which means even if they took just 5 minutes per member per week, they’d be spending over 40 hours per week just to prepare the following week’s programs.
I think this is pretty unlikely so I’d imagine they have something like 5-15 different ‘base programs’ on the backend and they simply prescribe the best fitting program to each member based on the sign up questionnaire.
Whether this is the case or not, I think John and Isaiah should reveal to us the process used to customize each program…
If John’s really putting in 40+ hours each week, slaving over every program to make sure it’s perfect, it would be awesome to see some evidence of this either in the Facebook group or on their YouTube channel!
I’m sure people would love to see exactly how they’re cooking up hundreds of training programs every week!
Missing Some Demonstrations
Not every exercise has a demonstration video, unfortunately.
I personally can’t look at the below exercise and know exactly what it is I’m supposed to be doing…

Ensuring every exercise has a corresponding demo video, or at least a very detailed description of how to perform the movement, would be helpful for the end user and would save John/Isaiah from having to field so many questions in the Facebook group.
Exercise Selection Raises Questions About Degree Of Program Customization
In my first week of training, I was prescribed 3×6 Nordic hamstring curls, which seems completely absurd to me…

If you’ve seen my review of the Nordic weight bench, you’ll know I can’t even get close to half of an eccentric Nordic!
The exercise demo doesn’t say anything about Nordic regressions either.
Why was I prescribed 3×6 Nordics when I can’t even get close to half of one?
Why would anyone be prescribed Nordics in their first week of training when 99.9% of athletes can’t do one!?
I get that we want to be working towards a full Nordic, but I think the exercised instructions/demo should primarily be talking about the different regressions or alternatives you can do to get there.
This raises questions about just how individually tailored these jump programs are…
If I’m paying $129/month for a tailored jump program, I want to at least be able to do each of the exercises!
And this leads me to my final point…
THP Strength Is Extremely Expensive!
I’m not quite sure exactly what THP Strength are currently charging for their service, and I’m still not exactly sure what is included in each training tier…
Currently I’m paying $129/month which is by far the most expensive vertical jump training membership on the market.
Without knowing exactly how customized/tailored my program is, or if it’s just a pre-made “slightly athletic, poor mobility, dodgy knees trainee” program, I think $129/month is too expensive.
I think there’s a good chance all I’m really getting is a somewhat specialized jump training program as well as access to John and Isaiah.
Project Pure Athlete do almost the exact same thing with their Elite Remote Training Membership, yet charge only $49/month.
You get access to 5 different training programs, so you can choose the best one for your needs, and you get access to 2 of the world’s most experienced vertical jump coaches (The Jump Guys).
Since THP Strength have recently announced they’re changing the ‘training only’ service so that it’s no longer customizable and you no longer have access to the Facebook group, I imagine the price will come down considerably.
I’m unsure what the ‘full service’ price will be going forward, but I’ll update this article as soon as I find out!
Who Created THP Strength?

Born during the COVID era, THP Strength is a collaboration between elite professional dunker, Isaiah Rivera, and his coach, John Evans.
John has been coaching Isaiah for a number of years and has helped him surpass the 50″ vertical jump mark.
After years of working with John, Isaiah had learned so much that he felt qualified to also start coaching other athletes to become better jumpers.
Together they created THP Strength which has become one of the more sought after jump training memberships in recent years.
How Does THP Strength Compare To Other Vertical Jump Programs?
Since THP Strength is a vertical jump coaching membership, it doesn’t make much sense to compare it to one-off programs like Vert Shock or Jump Manual…
Instead we’ll see how THP Strength stacks up against other monthly training memberships including,
- THP Strength – $129/month?
- PPA’s Elite Remote Training Membership – $49/month
- Vert Code Elite – $27.50/month
- Nathanael Morton’s Standard Membership – $20/month
As you can see, THP Strength is significantly more expensive than alternatives…
Nathanael’s program doesn’t offer much at all in the way of program customization, but you do get access to him so you can ask all the same questions and seek all the same advice regarding jump/lifting technique.
Vert Code Elite gives you access to one program only, which is also not customizable. Although you do have access to PJF Performance staff, they take a very long time to respond to questions and I’m pretty sure it’s not Paul Fabritz you’re dealing with.
PPA’s Elite Remote Training Membership gives you access to 5 different programs, so you can choose the program which best fits your needs.
While PPA’s programs aren’t exactly tailor made, since you can choose from 5 programs, you should still find something quite specific to your needs.
You can also swap out exercises and customize PPA’s programs as much as you like, so it wouldn’t be hard to message a coach to get some advice on how you can make your program more specific to your needs.
PPA, like THP Strength, also give you access to 2 elite vertical jump coaches (Tyler Ray and Chase Skinkis), who, between the 2 of them, have logged far more years as vertical jump coaches than John and Isaiah have!
Since you’re getting virtually the same product (access to custom programs and coaching), the fact that PPA’s jump training membership is less than half the price at just $49/month, I think PPA’s service is superior to THP Strength.
We’ll have to wait and see what the cost of THP Strength’s coaching is going forward, as the value of their product will largely be dependent on price.
Who Should Do THP Strength?
THP Strength is ideal for advanced athletes who are extremely serious about maximizing their vertical jump.
Since you’re making a fairly substantial financial commitment, you’ll really need to value getting the white-glove service that comes along with working with Isaiah and John…
You’ll want to be the type of athlete who constantly asks questions and seeks feedback about their lifting form and jump technique to get the most out of it!
THP Strength is also a good match for anyone with an injury that prevents them from following other vertical jump programs verbatim.
What’s The Verdict?
Overall THP Strength provides a solid level of personalized service by offering tailor made jump programs and direct access to elite coaches.
It’s a little unclear exactly how personalized each jump program is, but at least John and Isaiah are super active fielding questions and offering advice to athletes in the program.
Having personally tried all of the jump training memberships on the market, I feel as though PPA’s Elite Remote Jump Training Membership is better value overall, so it would be worthwhile checking that out before deciding whether you want to go with THP Strength.
I’d also suggest checking out my full roundup of the best vertical jump programs for 2024!
Check Out THP Strength