The Knees Over Toes Guy (Ben Patrick) has been seen using all sorts of different equipment over the years, much of which is quite specialized for the unique movements he incorporates into his training.
Whether you’re doing the ATG program or are simply looking to include some more knees over toes exercises into your own routine, having the right gear is going to make things a whole lot easier.
Below is a complete list of all the latest ATG specific equipment Ben Patrick uses in his training as well as a number of other awesome tools designed specifically for these movements.
We’ve personally tested a large number of these items and have written detailed performance reviews for many of them.
We’ve also been able to negotiate some pretty sweet customer discounts for you guys, so you can get the best rate on all your ATG gear!
So without further ado, let’s jump right into it!
Knees Over Toes Equipment List – Top Picks
- Best Overall Tool – FAE Tri-Flexor
- Best Tib Bar – FAE Iron Tib Bar
- Best Sled For ATG – FAE Multi Sled
- Best Nordic Bench – TBG Nordic Back Extension Machine
- Best Slant Board – Mr. 1NF1N1TY X Shogun VMO Pro
- Best ATG Heel Wedge – FAE Slant Blocks
- Best Reverse Squat Strap – FAE Reverse Squat Strap
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Ultra versatile tool trains the tibialis, hamstrings, quads, and hip flexors. Super effective and super affordable!
This tib bar works better than almost every other tib bar on the market and is significantly more affordable!
Perfect for both pushing as well as pulling. Includes sled strap. Significantly cheaper than other sleds!
Hybrid between a full length Nordic bench and a back extension machine. Completely adjustable for regressions too!
Adjusts from 20-40° incline angle but also raises 6" off the ground, making it ideal for Poliquin/Peterson step ups
Multiple incline angles available for a variety of ATG movements. Significantly more affordable than other squat wedges!
The single best way to train your hip flexors. Most affordable reverse squat strap on the market. Quality material and works really well.
Tri-Flexor – The Most Versatile Piece Of ATG Equipment
The lads at Freak Athlete Essentials have designed an incredibly smart piece of kit which fulfills more needs of an ATG athlete than anything else on the market.
I like to think of it as a combination between a single leg tib bar and a MonkeyFeet.

The Tri-Flexor is based on Ben Patrick’s original tib bar prototype, yet is modified to be significantly more useful.
Use it as a regular tib bar for those single leg tibialis raises…
Or use it as a MonkeyFeet to smash your hip flexors and hamstrings…
There’s a huge long laundry list of other cool stuff you can do with this thing too…
After testing the Tri-Flexor out, I came to realize it is actually significantly more effective than a regular single leg tib bar or a MonkeyFeet for reasons I reveal in my full Tri-Flexor review.
This thing is also super affordable and with my 10% discount, it’s an absolute steal!
If you’re going to get any ATG training equipment, the Tri-Flexor should be right at the top of your shopping list!
Tib Bar – The Ultimate Tibialis Anterior Trainer
By now you’re probably aware of the benefits of strengthening your tibialis.
This tiny muscle on the front of our shins is an absolute powerhouse for jumpers and runners and is the first line of defense when landing and contacting the ground.
After having personally tested almost every single tib bar on the market, I strongly believe the current best option is the Iron Tib Bar by Freak Athlete Essentials.

It’s significantly cheaper than the alternatives and does at least as good of a job.
I personally use my Iron Tib Bar 3-4 times a week and absolutely love it – this is a piece of equipment I simply cannot live without!
Although I think this tib bar is an absolute no brainer, you’re more than welcome to check out my 2023 tib bar buyers guide so you end up getting the bar that’s perfect for your needs.
Freak Athlete Essentials also produce a super budget-friendly sled that’s fantastic for knees over toes. Their sled is even more compact and portable than the Shogun sled and comes standard with a sled strap.
Best Sled For Knees Over Toes Training
Sledding is the one exercise Ben Patrick does every single day. It’s the foundation for all other knees over toes movements.
Pushing a sled is one of the most effective ways to build your feet, Achilles, and quads, while pulling it is the ultimate VMO and knee bulletproofer.
Ben Patrick’s Sled Is Bulky, Expensive, & Complete Overkill!
If you wanted to recreate the exact same sled Ben Patrick uses in his videos, you’d need to order a Rogue Dog Sled 1.2 with duel cross bridge attachments, a wraparound rail attachment, and a separate ATG sled strap.

All in all, you’re looking at more than $600 to get the same sledding setup knees over toes guy uses!
This is waaaay too much money to spend on a sled if you’re merely using it for knees over toes training…
If you read my full article discussing the best sleds for knees over toes, I go into much more detail about the exact sled configuration Ben Patrick uses.
The Most Cost Effective Way To Sled In 2023
The boys at Freak Athlete Essentials have designed a sled that’s almost 5 times cheaper than the Rogue Dog Sled.

The base unit of the Multi Sled costs just $99, but you’ll need to add a pair of upright Y posts for an extra $50 so that you can push the sled.
When you use my 10% discount code (A1ATHLETE), you’re looking at just $120 for this sled!
And it comes with a sled strap, so you have everything you need to start your ATG sled workouts right out of the box!
But Wait… There’s More!
One of the coolest things about this sled is the easy-unload feature that you won’t find on any other sled…
Once you’ve finished sledding, don’t break your back trying to unload the plates – simply pull the center pole out and slide the weights off!
Glowing Reviews From Early Testers
This sled hasn’t officially hit the market yet, but those who have had a chance to try the sled appear to love it!

“My favorite by far. Ergonomic, easy to use, easy to store, looks good in the gym, and mobile for on the go trainers! Love the multi-sled.”
Range Hussein (top right)
These sleds tend to sell out fairly quickly, so order yours today before they’re back out of stock!
Nordic Bench + Back Extension Hybrid
By far the most exciting product of 2023, the Nordic Back Extension Machine by TBG is not only a full length Nordic bench, but also a back extension machine in one.
This Nordic bench is also one of the best for doing regressions on, as the bench angle adjusts from flat to 45°, which means even complete beginners can get their Nordics in.
The front bench can also be removed to create a more portable version of the Nordic bench.
It’s super affordable for what you get and the build quality is super solid as well.
The Easiest Way To Master The Nordic!
The vast majority of athletes can’t get anywhere near a full Nordic…
Most people likely have months of grinding away at regressions until they’ll be strong enough just to perform an eccentric Nordic…
Historically there was no simple and elegant solution for regression work and people would come up with all sorts of creative ways to regress this movement…
Before The Nordic Weight Bench…
Here’s a few examples of what you’d have to do to learn the Nordic…

This guy looks like he’s robbed a mattress store to get enough padding to elevate his chest during early regression work… Don’t even get me started on his ghetto Nordic bench!

This guy’s gone for the DIY Nordic bar approach and attached a 2×4 to his porch and used a pool noodle for ankle padding.
He’s also got a $20 knee pad, 3 different types of resistance bands, a stack of pavement tiles for chest support (which you can’t see in this photo), and an extremely patient partner!
… And it gets worse!

This guy’s got 200lbs on a barbell which has been wedged between his squat rack and some weight plates on the floor…
He’s using a barbell pad for ankle padding and some more padding for his knees…
He’s got a second barbell in the rack loaded up with 130lbs to act as a counterbalance while he uses a resistance band to lower himself to the floor…
Surely… Surely there’s an easier way!?
The Nordic Weight Bench: Most Elegant Solution For Nordic Regressions!
The Tib Bar Guy has created one of the coolest inventions we’ve ever seen in the ATG/knees over toes space.
This bench allows you to comfortably regress your Nordics to the perfect level of difficulty, regardless of where you’re at on your road to Nordic supremacy.
If one of your goals is to eventually master the Nordic, save yourself the headache and just get one of these benches!
Plus you can do so much other cool stuff with it like trap 3 raises as well as all your standard upper body work!
Crazy Affordable!
These things are ridiculously affordable at just $239!
A proper Nordic bench costs $600+ and they aren’t going to help you one bit when it comes to regressions!
Check out my full TBG Nordic Weight Bench review.
Or check out my full breakdown discussing the best Nordic benches of 2023. There’s some incredibly affordable and innovative new solutions on the market!
The VMO Pro – Best Slant Board For ATG
The VMO Pro is a fully adjustable slant board meaning you can choose from a 20-40° incline angle, allowing you to get the perfect angle for squats and static stretching.
But the cool thing about this slant board is that you can also raise it 6″ off the ground, transforming it into a step up box.

This is the single most elegant solution for Patrick/Poliquin/Petersen step ups which otherwise require some sort of elevated surface/plyo box to perform.
The VMO Pro folds completely flat, making it one of the most portable and versatile pieces of ATG equipment!
Be sure to check out my full VMO Pro review for more details!
ATG Heel Wedge – Simple Solution For Better Squats
There’s so much to love about these wedges…
Perfect Incline Angles For ATG & Stretching
The FAE slant blocks come in 4 pieces: 2 large blocks (20° angle) and 2 smaller blocks (10° angle).
The idea is you can use the large blocks by themselves or stack the smaller blocks on top to create a 30° slant angle.

The 20° angle will be perfect for the vast majority of exercises but having the option for 30° is great for anyone who has particularly poor mobility.
The 30° incline also makes these the steepest heel wedges on the market and by far the best option for static calf stretching.
Extremely Sturdy
Along with the Harderwill heel wedges, the Slant Blocks have a 2,000lb weight capacity and absolutely no flex or wobble, making them perfect for heavy squats.
Unbeatable Price
The FAE Slant Blocks sell for $50, but with my 10% discount code applied (A1ATHLETE), you can get them for just $45, making them by far the most affordable adjustable heel wedges on the market.
They’re about the same price as the Squat Wedgiez and quite a bit more versatile.
You can also get a pair of the 20° Slant Blocks (without the 10° pieces) for just $29 if you don’t need the extra elevation.
Or check out my full list of the current best squat wedges on the market!
Best Budget Nordic Bench
While we’re on the topic of Nordics, another excellent product worth mentioning here is the Nordic Mini Bench from Freak Athlete Essentials, a relatively new company which aims to make really affordable knees over toes/ATG equipment.
This Nordic bench is far smaller and more portable than the Rogue bench and is a very practical and affordable option for anyone looking to improve their Nordic.
You’ll still have to stack some boxes/padding under your chest to get your regression/concentrics in (or use your hands to support your chest) and you’ll probably need some weight plates to stick on the back as a counterbalance.
These Nordic benches tend to sell out super quickly so order yours ASAP!
Reverse Squat Strap – Hip Flexor Domination
The reverse squat is one of the most effective ways to absolutely slam the hip flexors and it’s quickly becoming one of Ben Patrick’s favorite movements.
Not only is this, along with the MonkeyFeet, an incredible hip flexor movement, but it also hits the lower abs unlike anything else.
Unfortunately you won’t find a strap or attachment that works well for this exercise in most gyms.
By far the best reverse squat strap on the market is the TBG reverse squat strap which is identical to most of the other straps and it’s significantly cheaper!
Plus with my discount code you’ll save even more!
It’s an identical strap to the one used in the above clip and at less than $20 it’s an absolute steal!
Check out my full article discussing the best reverse squat straps where I reveal the next best strap you can order today!
Rogue Nordic Bench – The Ultimate For Nordics
If you’re a serious athlete who is doing Nordics regularly, then it makes a lot of sense to invest in a proper Nordic bench.
This is by far the best way to do Nordic hamstring curls as it’s super robust and amazingly convenient.
This is the exact bench Ben Patrick uses at home and it actually happens to be one of the most affordable options on the market.
It’s still not cheap at around $600, but most other Nordic benches go for north of $1,000!
If you’re doing plenty of Nordics and have the cash, this is one piece of equipment you’ll absolutely love using.
Nordic Strap – Most Affordable Nordic Curl Option
The Nordic strap is the simplest and most effective way to perform Nordic hamstring curls at home or on the go!
It straps your ankles to any training bench, which means you don’t need to spend a ton of cash on a fancy Nordic bench.
By far the best Nordic strap on the market is the Mr. 1NF1N1TY X Shogun Nordic strap due to its superior materials and durability.
It’s also the only Nordic strap which comes with ankle padding which I absolutely love.
The best part is how insanely affordable this thing is and it’s an absolute steal when you slap my 10% discount on top!
Want to shop around? Check out my full comparison of the best Nordic straps in 2023!
Best Single Leg Tib Bar
Since receiving my Solo Tib Bar, I’m slowly starting to think it might actually be superior to a standard tib bar!
With a regular tib bar, you can only dorsiflex your ankle which does a great job of hitting your tibs, but ignores a lot of the other lower leg muscles.
With a single foot tib bar, in addition to regular tib curls, you can also perform circular rotations like I’m doing below which absolutely light up your peroneals.
This gives you the most comprehensive lower leg workout possible.
Ben Patrick has also spoken about how this exercise is fantastic for clearing out scar tissue from old ankle injuries.
If you want super healthy and bulletproof ankles, definitely consider checking out my full roundup of the best single leg tib bars!
The latest version of this piece of equipment also doubles as a fully functional MonkeyFeet device with a clamp on the bottom of it, allowing you to lift dumbbells with your feet.

It also features improved padding, making this a serious competitor to the Tri-Flexor!
Floss Bands – Fix Knee Pain & Increase Mobility
If you’ve got a particularly dodgy set of knees but still aspire to the knees over toes lifestyle, a set of floss bands is going to give you the relief you need so you can actually get through your sets.
These things are super easy to put on and feel absolutely incredible to squat in.
Flossing the knees if often referred to as voodoo flossing because of the scary incredible results you get from it.
So if you have any knee pain or discomfort that hinders your ability to get through a full knees over toes workout, definitely get yourself a pair of floss bands.
Final Verdict?
So you might be wondering which of the above equipment is the most important for knees over toes/ATG training?
I agree it’s probably unnecessary to have all of the above…
If there was one piece of equipment I would recommend above all else, it’s the FAE Tri-Flexor because it’s super versatile, extremely effective, and ridiculously affordable.
The next two items I personally get the most use out of are my FAE Iron Tib Bar as well as my slant board so I’d recommend starting there if you’re looking for the essentials.
After those two, it’s a close one between the TBG Nordic Back Extension Machine and a knees over toes sled, so make sure you check out my recommendations for those as well!
At the end of the day, all of these items are great and make each of the various knees over toes exercises more practical and enjoyable to perform!